Monday, June 24, 2013

While we wait...

Okay, I know it's been a REALLY long time since I updated last.  Almost a month.  Obviously, you probably have guessed that we have not received any news yet.  I wish I was writing this blog with good news... about travel... but nope.

I do have good news though.  The Norwex party was a HUGE success.  Because of Becky's generosity of donating 25% of her commission, and all of my friends who ordered products... I am so happy to say that we are $150 closer to bringing little Z home.  I have updated the side bar with the totals to date.  Words can't express how grateful we are.  THANK YOU!!!

If you missed it and would still like to order Norwex products, please let me know either through here or on facebook. Of course, 25% was only for the party... but these are awesome products that I am totally digging right now.  In fact, if you know me personally you will know that Dave does much of the laundry and dishes in our house.  But, because of the Norwex laundry soap, I actually did 7 loads of laundry so far.  Oh, and I have mopped the floor, wiped down the tub and did the dishes. Cleaning without chemicals is so easy and downright fun! I am not going to say that I will be cleaning like this all the time, but I will say that Dave is enjoying it while it lasts.

We have been trying to keep busy and not thinking about the wait.  The kids are out for the summer and the older girls have already been to a week of summer camp.  Hannah is actually at a business camp this week.  In a couple weeks all three girls will be gone for another camp.  Camps... they just love them! The boys and girls club has been such an awesome experience for the girls and the memories they gain from these camps are wonderful.  Stella gets to go for the first time this year.  She is very excited.

Hannah is going into high school next year.  I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  These next 4 years are going to fly by.  A couple weeks ago was her eighth grade formal.

Emily is going into 7th grade next year.  This is the first year that we will have 3 kids in 3 different schools.  She is really growing up and I am proud that she got all A's and only 1 B for the final marking period.  She works so hard.  She's come a long ways since she came to live with us at the end of 2nd grade.  

Miss Stella will be going into 4th grade next year.  She, too brought home a really good report card this year.   Last month she participated in girls on the run.  All the while she was practicing she would tell me that she was going to walk most of the 5K because she gets too tired and probably would get hurt.  (Stella likes to complain about things).  Well, the day of the race she shocked the heck out of us!  She actually came in #2 for her school!  Imagine my surprise when I saw her.  I didn't even have a chance to get my camera ready.  Of course, she claims when she was running the race she twisted her ankle, tripped but didn't fall (I asked her to show my her scrape) and didn't even have time to get one single drink of water because people were pushing her! That's Stella in a nutshell really... Gotta LOVE her!  She had a GREAT time!

These three young ladies are so much fun.  As we go to the beach or camping or even to the store, I can't help but think that in less than a year little Z will be enjoying these things with us.  Will he find humor in Stella's pessimism or will he be laid back like Emily?  Will he like crowds or will he prefer to stay home.  Will he like to be held or will he eventually want to explore the world on his own?  Will he bond with us?  Will he like going to the beach?

These are all questions that flood my thoughts lately.  I long to hold our little guy.  To show him love and to teach him what it is like to belong.  I really pray that the government in his country can start meeting again, and the new deputy minister will have a heart for orphans so that these little children do not have to wait as long as they do to find forever families.

Thanks for your continued prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I can here the ache you have to hold him. To KNOW something, anything. We are praying for you and your family as we all go along in this journey!
